Topshop’s favourite briefs

The Topshop challenged hairstylists enrolled on Hair: Mastered to follow in the footsteps of their lead expert, Sam McKnight, and create a hair look for one of their advertising campaigns.

The brief was to create a beautiful British rebel with an appetite for fun; this is England was the message.

Topshop’s creative design consultant, Geoffrey Finch, studied the responses to the brief with a critical eye - here we share his favourite responses.

Alina Friesen

Alina’s Instagram

Beverley Perrott

Beverley’s Instagram

Christel Man

Christel’s Instagram

Erika Dawn Shear

Erika’s Instagram

Kasia Fortuna

Kasia’s Instagram

Michele McQuillan

Michele’s Instagram

Rosalina Johnson

Rosalina’s Instagram

Thuy Pham

Thuy’s Instagram

Tommy Albert Stayton

Tommy’s Instagram

Xeneb Allen

Xeneb’s Instagram